To celebrate today all I have to do is live
Walk out my existence knowing that no matter how mundane a moment may feel
There is still life flowing through me
Breath in my lungs
Energy pulsing through me
and a willing spirit wanting to do so much more than my finite limits allow
To commemorate days like today I want to throw a party, hike to the top of a mountain and stand there with arms outstretched. I want some sparkly experience that says :
“Yes! I am still here!”
And one of these days I will but for today, savoring existence is enough. It has to be.
So today I will simply take care
I will take care of my actual body that has been a vessel for my spirit, carrying her over the unpredictable crest and fall of the waves
I will take care of my mind and feed it well, lies of trauma and grief may have left their scars but it remains surprisingly strong
I will take care of those muscles, seen and unseen, that have been broken down and rebuilt
They assure me that even though we are shaking with the effort
We are going to make it through this hard thing and we will still be here when it is passed
Equipped with only my predisposed thoughts and messy love
In mangled hands, I offer that same care back to the world around me
Take what you need, sit with it for as long as you want, then pass it on
Offer it to the next wanderer
How else will we get through this one life we have together, in one piece

Art credit: @littlearthlings check out her lovely instagram for gentle reminders, coloring pages and more